An Opportunity to teach the Quran to learners worldwide


Sign up

Create your teacher profile on


Get approved

Our team will review your profile and approve it within 3-5 business days


Start earning

Begin sharing your Quran knowledge with students across the globe!

Set your own rate

You decide your hourly rate. Earn based on your expertise. Teachers typically charge $5-$20 per hour.

Teach anytime, anywhere

You have full control over your schedule. No fixed commitments – teach from anywhere and at any time.

Grow with experts

Access exclusive webinars and resources to help you sharpen your knowledge and grow as an educator.

Teach students from over 100 countries

Our platform connects you with students eager to learn the Quran. Here's what you get when you join:

  • A steady stream of new students
  • A smart calendar to organize your sessions
  • Interactive classroom tools for seamless teaching
  • Convenient payment methods
  • Professional development webinars
  • Supportive teacher community

"Teaching on allowed me to share the beauty of the Quran from the comfort of my home!"

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Get reward in this world and hereafter

Join our community of Quran educators and start teaching from the comfort of your home.